TECHNICAL TRAINING FOR PARTNERS  •  14th and 15th of May 2024, Ljubljana Slovenia >> REGISTER   
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Time Card Calculator

Day Start time End time Break
Break time is deducted from total hours
Monday 00:00
Tuesday 00:00
Wednesday 00:00
Thursday 00:00
Friday 00:00
Saturday 00:00
Sunday 00:00
Base pay rate & currency
/ hour
Total pay: 0.00
Total hours: 00:00

Time Card Calculator - Send (.csv) to your email

Enter your email to receive the .csv file you created with Time Card Calculator.

The free time calculator is made for those who work or charge their clients based on an hourly rate and need to create timesheets fast and efficiently.

These are usually freelancers, contract workers, self-employed people and others, especially workers such as nannies, housekeepers, designers, and so on.

This means that you can enter your clock in and clock out times and use the report for your payroll reporting.

Payroll departments or HR workers also frequently use some variations of a timecard calculator and it’s also worth mentioning that time cards are mandatory for employers to be compliant with legislation regarding working hours, over hours and length of breaks.

At the end this can be your employee time card that you send off to your client or your supervisor.

Instructions and tips for using
Spica’s time card calculator

Using our free time card calculator is really simple:

  • Enter your name and surname
  • Choose the desired week in the calendar
  • Enter the start and end time for each day in the week. There are two fields, one for the hour and the second for the minutes worked. You can choose between AM or PM by clicking on the button next to the fields.
  • Enter the break times for each day in a week. There are two fields, the first for the hours and the second for the minutes worked. You can choose between AM or PM by clicking on the button next to the fields.
  • If you didn’t work a certain day, the fields can be left empty, and you can type in your work at any time of the day, so your overtime hours can be also tracked. In the next version we plan to also implement the overtime rate.
  • Enter your hourly pay rate
  • Choose currency

Advanced options:

  • You can select either AM/PM or 24H format, and select the AM/PM option for each individual day worked.
  • Weekends can be hidden.
  • If you start or end every day at the same time, you can click either, or both options to speed up your entries.

The Output:

  • When the total hours worked are calculated (and total pay, if desired), you can easily print out the time card by clicking the print button.
  • You can also export your time card in CSV format.
  • If you want to start from the beginning, you can click the reset button, which is highlighted in red.

Coming soon:

  • Calculating overtime

If you calculate your weekly payout, the next step is to find a good payroll company that will help you to calculate deductions and taxes. In many countries your employer will do that for you when you hand them your time sheets.

Are there better methods to get weekly timesheets than using a time card calculator?

Yes, there are much better ways to track working hours whether you are an employer, employee, or a freelancer - and it’s not in a spreadsheet.

Many employers choose to track hours manually in Excel or some other spreadsheet software, but this is very inefficient, and you’ll soon be flooded with files and have no advanced track record or analytics. It’s also not the most productive way to get the time sheets.

You can try our free excel time sheet here, but there is an even better way.

All Hours is our time & attendance app, which enables you to easily register arrivals and departures from work, lunch breaks, business trips, remote work, and more. You or your employees can use the app on a mobile phone or desktop computer.

It’s a fully automated timesheet tracker with detailed reporting, and timesheets are created automatically and can be shared with anyone. It’s a very productive solution, with no manual calculators or printed timesheets needed.

You can try the All Hours app completely free.

A project time tracking app is also a great alternative to the time & attendance app.

If you are a freelancer, or you manage a small team and want to have detailed statistics on how time is spent on projects, you can use a free project-tracking tool like My Hours.

My Hours creates many different reports, as well as time sheets based on the time logged on projects.

DISCLAIMER: We at Spica make no claim and take no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of our time card calculator. The time card calculator is provided to help you with general guidance and estimates of your working hours and payroll. It is not meant for exact payroll or similar calculations. Please consult a financial expert or an accountant for exact calculations. Spica does not give any warranties or assurances about the time card calculator.